About Us
Our story
It is quite possible that we already know each other - I am Benedict, my wife and I share our experiences on the @nagi_ukvedys blog on Instagram.
After we finished the construction of our house, as we arranged the yard, we realized that there were things to do to maintain this farm - whether it was unfinished work (fences/ lawns / watering) or periodic work (for example. to update the facade) or new projects (for example. raised beds with watering).
Since this is an occupation dear to our hearts, we decided to exchange a corporate job for a family business.
We work mostly in the neighborhood
We mostly work in the east of Vilnius -in Pavilnius, Naujoji Vilnia, Dvarchonis and Sauletikis. If we are more distant or close neighbors, let's get to know each other:

Daugiasiai dirbame kaimynystėje

Daugiasia dirbame Vilniaus rytuose - Pavilnyje, Naujojoje Vilnioje, Dvarčionyse ir Saulėtekyje.
Jei esame tolimesni ar artimesni kaimynai - susipažinkime!
Lianne Wilson
Jaden Smith